
Learn what you need to use Angular at work. Become and Angular 11 expert today.

The best-selling Angular book: over 40,000+ copies sold

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"Awesome Book. It's the bible for Angular"
- Vijay Ganta, Head of Engineering Staff at Reactore
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  • Stop wasting your time

    wrestling with incomplete and confusing tutorials

    Modern TypeScript

    Angular 11 has a lot of new syntax

    There are several new forms of syntax you'll need to learn to use Angular effectively and we teach all of them in the book. Mouse over the red dots below to see each form explained.

    • Annotations

      The @ is an annotation and it comes from TypeScript

    • Components

      Components teach your browser new tags

    • Multi-line Strings

      Using ` backticks allows for easy inline templates

    • Views

      Views can be defined by the template option

    • Brackets for Parameters

      Use [] brackets on an attribute to pass parameters to the directive

    • Star Syntax

      Use the * on an attribute to use a directive on this element

    • Class Syntax

      TypeScript allows you to define classes using the class syntax

    • Parenthesis for View Actions

      Use () parenthesis to specify action bindings

    • Events

      One-way data binding means we fire events instead of modifying data directly

    • Strong Typing

      TypeScript lets us define collections that contain our custom type Product

    • Actions

      Our class defines actions that we can use in our view

    • 1
    • 2
          selector: 'products-list',
    • 3
          template: `
    • 4
              <div class="products-list">
    • 5
                  <product-row *ngFor="#let product of products"
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 13
      class ProductsList {
    • 14
          @Input() products: Product[];
    • 15
          @Output() selected: EventEmitter;
    • 16
    • 17
          constructor() {
    • 18
              this.selected = new EventEmitter();
    • 19
    • 20
    • 21
          clicked(product) {
    • 22
    • 23
    • 24

    Ready to Master Angular 11?

    What if you could master the entire framework – with solid foundations – in less time without beating your head against a wall? Imagine how quickly you could work if you knew the best practices and the best tools?

    Stop wasting your time searching and have everything you need to be productive in one, well-organized place, with complete examples to get your project up without needing to resort to endless hours of research.

    You will learn what you need to know to work professionally with ng-book: The Complete Book on Angular 11 or get your money back.

    Download the first chapter (for free)

    Book Contents

    What you'll learn

    ng-book is designed to teach you step-by-step how to create serious Angular apps: from empty-folder to deployment. Each chapter covers a topic and we provide full code examples for every project in the book.

    Read the full table of contents

    Get up and running quickly

    The first chapter opens with building your first Angular 11 App. Within the first few minutes, you'll know enough to start writing your Angular 11 app.

    Up to date

    The book is constantly updated with the latest tips and tricks of Angular. Don't worry about being out-of-date, this book covers the latest release of Angular 11: angular-11.0.0 You'll get access to all updates free for 12 months.

    Best practices

    Learn Angular 11 best practices, such as: testing, code organization, and how to structure your app for performance. We'll walk through practical, common examples of how to implement complete components of your applications.

    Comprehensive topics

    You'll learn core Angular 11 concepts - from how Angular works under the hood, to rich interactive components, from in-depth testing to real-world applications.


    What you'll build

    When you buy ng-book, you're not buying just a book, but dozens of code examples. Every chapter in the book comes with a complete project that uses the concepts in the chapter.


    A component-based Reddit clone

    Learn the basics of component-based architecture, rendering dynamic components, and capturing user input and turning it into interaction


    A real-time chat app

    Use modern data architectures such as RxJS Observables and Redux to build a chat application, built on scalable techniques


    A YouTube search-as-you-type app

    Make HTTP requests to a remote API and use RxJS Observables to create fast, snappy interactions with a real-time search on YouTube


    A Spotify search app

    Use Angular's Router to create a multi-page application. Create your own servers using Dependency Injection and call a real API


    Custom Tabs and UI Components

    Use advanced features for maximum control of your components. We'll build a tab-pane, a custom repeater component, template "transclusion" and more.


    Forms with Validations

    Build powerful forms that accept user input, and give clear messaging when the input is of an invalid format

    And Many More!

    There are lots of more mini-examples that show you how to write Components, how to use Forms, and how to use APIs

    720 Pages

    You'll have your first app running and deployed within the first chapter, and then the rest of the book dives deeper into the other areas of Angular

    7500+ lines of code

    You'll learn core Angular 11 concepts - from how Angular works under the hood, to rich interactive components, from in-depth testing to real-world applications.

    4 Hour Screencast

    Premium Package customers receive a 4-hour screencast where we walk through building large application.

    Too good to be true?

    Grab a sample chapter and check it out for yourself. Sign up for our mailing list and get the sample chapters for free! You'll only receive email about the book and updates. We never send spam, ever and it's easy to unsubscribe.

    Sample chapter image

    It can take up to an hour to deliver the sample chapter. If you don't receive the sample chapter within the hour, write us and we'll send them to you directly.


    Loved by the community

    Our customers love ng-book - See what they have to say!

    Jacob Cheriathundam

    Jacob Cheriathundam

    Development Architect at AccountsPro / PI Solutions

    "Fantastic work guys! I have no idea where I'd be with Angular 11 without ng-book. You guys have made this SOOOO much easier to learn and keep up with. Thanks guys are awesome!"

    Charlie Suttie

    Charlie Suttie

    Web Development Beginner

    "Just wanted to let you know I think it's an excellent book. And written in a really thoughtful way. Thanks!"

    Iva Dopuđ

    Iva Dopuđ


    "ng-book is fantastic, I already made two simple apps of my own... Can't wait for the future updates!"


    Chuck Duncan

    Senior Software Engineer

    "I just want to say how happy I am with the book. It is extremely well written and clear. You present a concept and carefully step through it to explain the details. I couldn't be happier."


    Matt Duvall

    Co-Owner & Software Engineer Atlasient

    "I'm through chapter one in the Angular2 book and love it. The code samples with the book are great. I'm an "old Java developer" that fell in love with Angular"

    Frederic Filiatrault

    Frederic Filiatrault

    Senior Software Engineer at TEKsystem

    "If, like me, you are a seasoned developer and actively looking for a quick and efficient source of information on the new Angular JS 2, Stop looking! This is by far, the best reference on the web, period. Very concise, well structured."

    Brian Prince

    Brian Prince

    UltraLinq, Inc.

    "I just read the new DI chapter. It has lots of great information. It is the best at describing this that I have seen. Thanks, great info. Our entire team uses your book and we really attribute our knowledge and success to your great book."

    Graham Churchley

    Graham Churchley

    Web Development Specialist at APX

    The book has been incredibly useful. We are developing a new application for release next year and we knew that using alpha software would be a challenge - but ngBook has helped us considerably.

    Justin Murphy

    Justin Murphy

    Interp Solutions

    I wanted to let you guys know I am loving the book it really helped me get my head around rxjs and how powerful observables can be!!!


    Robert Dunaway

    Author of TypeScript Katas

    I haven't seen anyone do a better job. In fact, the rate at which you guys keep up to date is the best I've ever seen and I hope it's a model other authors will adopt. The fact that you keep yours up to date is very valuable.

    Jegor Uglov

    Jegor Uglov

    Integrations Engineer, Zero Turnaround

    Just finished ng-book2. I think it is the best learning material one can find about NG2 today.

    Sean McGill

    Sean McGill

    Senior Consultant at Anexinet

    "Just wanted to say - really good job! I've gather quite a bit of valuable information from the book so far that was not available on other web sources (blogs, etc). The book has been a great help as I'm divining into some of these somewhat bleeding edge tools and topics"

    Senthil Chinnathambi

    Senthil Chinnathambi

    Lead Analyst at Scientific Games

    "Your latest update of Intermediate Redux is awesome. Awesome guys. You guys are rocking. Very worth to buy this book/samples/video."

    Miquel Fonolleda

    Miquel Fonolleda

    Miquel Fonolleda, CEO of Albira Solutions

    "It's the best I've read so far on this topic and it's very well written."

    Vijay Ganta

    Vijay Ganta

    Vijay Ganta, Head of Engineering Staff at Reactore

    "Thank you for the awesome book, it's the bible for Angular 11."


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    Book, source code, videos, and sample app

    $79 $99
    • Professional-grade Angular ebook content 700+ pages
    • Completely DRM-free PDF, mobi, and epub formatted ebook
    • Learn Angular 11 from the inside out
    • Learn the right way to build Angular 11 apps
    • Build advanced Angular 11 apps within minutes
    • Have the complete library available at your fingertips
    • The code for every sample in the book to get you going quickly
    • 4 hour long beginner Angular screencast
    • Complete code for extra screencast sample app
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    Complete Library

    Everything in ng-book and access to every other book in the newline library

    $22/mo $30/mo
    • Professional-grade Angular ebook content
    • Learn Angular 11 from the inside out
    • Learn the right way to build Angular 11 apps
    • Build advanced Angular 11 apps within minutes
    • Have the complete library available at your fingertips
    • The code for every sample in the book to get you going quickly
    • 4 hour long beginner Angular screencast
    • Complete code for extra screencast sample app
    • BONUS: The Beginner's Guide to TypeScript
    • BONUS: Fullstack GraphQL
    • BONUS: Fullstack Node.js
    • BONUS: JavaScript Algorithms
    • ... and every other book in the newline library
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    The Team

    Meet the authors


    Nate Murray

    Nate is a full-stack developer and writes code for everything from deep-learning image recognition to mobile games for cats. Nate formerly worked at IFTTT and his background is in data mining and scaling web services.


    Felipe Coury

    Felipe is the co-founder and CTO of Gistia Labs where he leads an Angular.js and Ruby on Rails culture. He has also worked closely with CTOs on implementing Angular.js strategy for large companies.


    Ari Lerner

    Hi, I'm Ari. I'm the author of ng-book 1 and I've been teaching Angular for a long time. I've been a member of Google's Angular working group and I've spoken at ng-conf, SF Angular, Mountain View AngularJS and more.


    Carlos Taborda

    Carlos is the co-founder and director of Gistia Labs, a team that specializes in full stack engineering projects as well as training established development teams in Angular and Ruby on Rails.



    Nic Raboy

    Nic Raboy is an advocate of modern web and mobile development technologies. He has experience in Java, JavaScript, Golang and a variety of frameworks such as Angular, NativeScript, and Apache Cordova. Nic writes about his development experiences related to making web and mobile development easier to understand. Checkout Nic's blog here.


    Burke Holland

    Burke is currently the Director Of Developer Relations for Progress. Burke enjoys JavaScript a lot because it's a giant band aid over his statically typed inadequacies. You can find him on Twitter as @burkeholland.


    Questions? We have answers!

    How long is the book?

    The current version has 16 chapters totaling 720+ pages, several sample apps totaling over 7,500+ lines of code (TypeScript, non-comment lines)

    Is ng-book an upgrade to ng-book 1?

    No. ng-book is a completely new book and shares no content or code with ng-book 1. Angular 1 and Angular 11 are two different frameworks and ng-book 1 and ng-book are two different books.

    Do I have to know Angular 1?

    Nope! We don't assume that you've used Angular 1. This book teaches Angular 11 from the ground up. Of course, if you've used Angular 1, we'll point out common ideas (because there are many), but ng-book stands on its own

    Are there free updates?

    Yes! Updates are free for 12-months following purchase. We've faithfully released over 50 updates to ng-book already

    What about Angular 11 and beyond?

    The book will be updated to Angular 11. This update will be free if you've purchased within the 12 months of the update's release.

    Does the video have captions?

    Yes! The screencast video is has a complete caption track so you can read along as you watch the video.

    Is this a physical or digital book?

    This is a completely DRM-free ebook formatted as a pdf/mobi/epub (and a zip with tons of example code)

    Is there a physical print version of the book?

    Yes! You can get it on Amazon as a separate purchase

    How up to date is the book?

    The entire book is up to date with the latest release of Angular 11 angular-11.0.0

    What if I don't like it?

    If you're unhappy with the book or content, just reach out to us and we'll give you a full refund. There's no risk.

    Our Promise to You

    We're committed to keeping ng-book the best resource for learning and using Angular 11. We personally respond to requests for content and we regularly release updates. We're independent authors and we survive by making the highest quality book on Angular 11 as possible.

    There's no risk: if you're not satisfied for any reason, send us an email and we'll give you a full refund.

    Download the First Chapter (for free)

    Contact Us

    If you have any concerns, feel free to email us