Modern AngularJS

Build modern, organized, upgradable web applications with AngularJS 1.x
From the authors of ng-book

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Don't rewrite your app

Bring modern patterns into the app you have

Find yourself having this conversation?

"Our code is disorganized, bugs are making it into production, and the frustrated team is clamoring for a rewrite"

It doesn't have to be this way.

What if...

These things are possible, regardless of the web framework you're using.

Common Problems and Solutions

Newer versions of AngularJS, combined with the right team practices, can help solve the most common problems:

Ready to level up your AngularJS applications?

AngularJS 1.x has come a long way from it’s first version. It’s possible to build modern, maintainable AngularJS 1.x apps and this book will show you how.

Stop wasting your time fixing yesterday's bugs and have everything you need for your team to be productive in one, well-organized place. Get a complete example of how to get your AngularJS applications up to date -- without needing to resort to endless hours of research.

You will learn what you need to know to work professionally with Modern AngularJS or get your money back.

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Book Contents

What we'll cover

Modern AngularJS 1 is a tutorial, designed to teach you step-by-step how to create a serious modern AngularJS app: from empty-folder to deployment. Each chapter covers a topic and we provide full code examples for the entire project in the book.

Read the full table of contents


What you'll learn

In this book we'll teach concepts and best practices through building a chat app, similar to Slack.

When you buy Modern AngularJS 1, you're not buying just a book, but a small library of code that contains the steps to build the whole example.


Stateless vs. Container Components

Use stateless, presentational components to form the building blocks of your application. We'll show you how to ensure your components are reusable by passing parameters across your view chain to your container component.


Data Architecture

Learn the ideas behind Redux by building an entire mini-implementation in ES6. We'll then cover how to integrate it into your AngularJS application in detail by hooking it to our Slack clone.


Handling Events with Redux

Learn how to map both synchronous and asynchronous Redux actions to user events. We'll integrate important middleware to analyze, debug and handle our data store.



Use UI Router to integrate routing as well as maintain and view our router state right inside our Redux store.


Production & Deployment

We'll cover how to deploy our complete application as well as take down all the necessary steps to differentiate a production build from our development environment.


And Much More!

In this package we include all of the source code for each checkpoint in the app. Learn best practices by example with our demo app.

Too good to be true?

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Loved by the community

Our customers love Modern AngularJS 1 - See what they have to say!

Christian Castillo

Christian Castillo

Software Developer

"A must-read for anyone who wants to modernize their AngularJS 1.x apps."

Michael Vogel

Michael Vogel

Software Engineer at Sierra Nevada Corporation

"Great job guys! I’m a huge fan of the book and I’m already working the concepts into my own apps at work. This is an awesome resource on making modern, powerful AngularJS applications."

Ivan Rey

Ivan Rey

Entrepreneur & Computer Engineer

“I really liked that it takes AngularJS (1.x) up to the newest technologies like TypeScript and Redux, it really helps to shorten the technological gap between Angular (2+) and AngularJS. I also like that it provides clear standards on how to organise and structure an AngularJS app that were not available before.”

Arash Heydari

Arash Heydari

Lead Frontend Developer @opencolleges

"Want to know what is deep inside AngularJS? This book helps angular teams to produce less bugs, more consistency, more stability and definitely more understanding about the deep inside of AngularJS. This book Makes you a Modern AngularJS Developer."

How much would it cost to rewrite your app in a new framework?

How many hours would your team spend learning the new system?

How long would it take to port over all of the edge-cases and test them?

Rewrites are risky. They can take months, hundreds of developer hours (and cost tens of thousands in salary time). But the app you already have can get the job done, with a little guidance.

Instead of wasting $10,000 (or more) and months of time on rewriting your app, give your team the tools they need to build quality, standardized, best-practice, modern code.


Get a package now!


The book and complete source

  • Professional-grade AngularJS ebook
  • Completely DRM-free PDF, mobi, and epub
  • Learn Modern AngularJS 1 from the inside out
  • Learn the right way to build AngularJS 1 apps today
  • Intermediate code samples to run the app at every checkpoint in the book
  • The complete sample code for the final app
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Most Popular

Book, source code, bonus mini-books, and chat room

  • Professional-grade AngularJS ebook
  • Completely DRM-free PDF, mobi, and epub
  • Learn Modern AngularJS 1 from the inside out
  • Learn the right way to build AngularJS 1 apps today
  • Intermediate code samples to run the app at every checkpoint in the book
  • The complete sample code for the final app
  • logoAccess to the Community Chat Room
  • Introduction to TypeScript mini-ebook
  • Upgrading AngularJS apps to Angular mini-ebook
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Team License and Git Access

  • Professional-grade AngularJS ebook
  • Completely DRM-free PDF, mobi, and epub
  • Learn Modern AngularJS 1 from the inside out
  • Learn the right way to build AngularJS 1 apps today
  • Intermediate code samples to run the app at every checkpoint in the book
  • The complete sample code for the final app
  • Introduction to TypeScript mini-ebook
  • Upgrading AngularJS apps to Angular mini-ebook
  • logoAccess to the Community Chat Room for your whole team
  • Access to full Git repository of book and code
  • Team license for up to 10 team members
  • Immediate invoice billing service
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Company-Wide License

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Our company-wide license provides everything in the Team package with an unlimited number of seats within your company

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The Team

Meet the authors


Houssein Djirdeh

Houssein does JavaScript at focusing on both web and mobile development. In his spare time, he enjoys contributing talks and technical writing to the development community. On the rare occasions when Houssein is not working on a blog post or his next side project, he enjoys weightlifting and watching far too much YouTube.


Ari Lerner

Hi, I'm Ari. I'm the author of ng-book 1 and I've been teaching AngularJS for a long time. I've been a member of Google's AngularJS working group and I've spoken at ng-conf, SF AngularJS, Mountain View AngularJS and more.


Nate Murray

Nate is the co-author of ng-book, a full-stack developer and writes code for everything from deep-learning image recognition to mobile games. Nate formerly worked at IFTTT and his background is in data mining and scaling web services.


Questions? We have answers!

How long is the book?

The current version has 16 chapters totaling 175 pages, a complete application totaling over 500+ lines of code (JavaScript, non-comment lines)

Is Modern AngularJS 1 an upgrade to ng-book?

No. Modern AngularJS 1 is a completely new book and shares no content or code with ng-book. AngularJS has evolved significanly over the years and Modern AngularJS 1 introduces modern and fundamental concepts.

Do I have to know any AngularJS?

Yes. This book assumes that you've worked with AngularJS before and you're looking to improve the quality of your apps. That said, all new concepts are explained thoroughly. If you're completely unfamiliar with AngularJS, checkout ng-book 1 first.

What programming language does the book use?

For all packages, the book uses EcmaScript 6 (ES6), a newer version of JavaScript with some syntactic sugar. For advanced packages, we include an introduction to TypeScript

Are there free updates?

Yes! Updates are free for 12-months following purchase. We've faithfully released over 60 updates to ng-book over the past two years.

What about Angular and beyond?

If you're interested in learning Angular, check out ng-book: The complete book on Angular

Is this a physical or digital book?

This is a completely DRM-free ebook formatted as a pdf/mobi/epub (and a zip with example code)

What if I don't like it?

If you're unhappy with the book or content, just reach out to us and we'll give you a full refund. There's no risk.

Our Promise to You

We're committed to keeping Modern AngularJS 1 the best resource for learning and using the latest updates to AngularJS. We personally respond to requests for content and we regularly release updates. We're independent authors and we survive by making the highest quality book on Modern AngularJS 1 as possible.

There's no risk: if you're not satisfied for any reason, send us an email and we'll give you a full refund.

Download the First Chapter (for free)

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