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30 Days of Vue

Wrap-up and more resources


This post is part of the series 30 Days of Vue.

In this series, we're starting from the very basics and walk through everything you need to know to get started with Vue. If you've ever wanted to learn Vue, this is the place to start!

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Wrap-up and more resources

We've made it! Day 30. Congrats! Now you have enough information to create Vue applications with the Vue CLI, integrate data with Vuex, enable client-side routing with Vue Router, and even conduct testing with the Vue Test Utils library.

We've covered a lot of material in the past 30 days. Some of the high-level topics we discussed are:

  • The Vue Instance and Data Reactivity
  • Vue Directives
  • The Vue Instance lifecycle
  • Vue Components and Single-File Components
  • How to use the vue-cli to bootstrap our apps
  • State management best practices
  • Client-side routing
  • Unit Testing

There is so much more!

Although we covered a lot of topics in our first 30 days, there is so much more! How do we know? We wrote a book!

Fullstack Vue

Did you happen to enjoy this course and are interested in going deeper with Vue, with us? Check out Fullstack Vue! Not only do we cover in-depth the topics we briefly introduced in this 30 days, we go into plenty of other content as well.

We list some of the topics Fullstack Vue covers, in more detail, in the series conclusion. Here are other resources within the Vue ecosystem that we’ve also found really useful in our journey working with Vue.

The Vue Core Documentation

Link: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/

The Vue core documentation has a reputation for being one of the best-written technical documentations out there… and for very good reason! Translated in seven languages, the Vue docs explains all the nifty details in a simple and clean manner.

The Vue Style Guide

Link: https://vuejs.org/v2/style-guide/

The Vue Style Guide is the official style guide for Vue specific code and provides a set of standards that help avoid errors and general anti-patterns.

The Vue Cookbook

Link: https://vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/

The Vue Cookbook differentiates from the core documentation by highlighting ‘recipes’ that dive in to certain topics in a broader sense (for e.g. how do we package Vue Components for npm?).

Vue Mastery

Link: https://www.vuemastery.com/

A learning resource for Vue developers helmed by the ever talented Gregg Pollack and Adam Jahr. The Vue Mastery video courses are crisply composed with engaging graphics to help guide viewers to understand all the ins and outs of the Vue framework.

Gregg and Adam also co-produce the official Vue.js News and Podcast!

Vue Land - The Vue Discord Channel

Link: https://vue-land.js.org/

The Vue Discord channel is a fantastic hang-out spot consisting of some of the core team members, contributors, and other developers. Have a question or want to stay up to date with announcements? Hang out at Vue Land!

With that said, congrats on making it to day 30. We look forward to seeing what you accomplish with Vue! If you feel like you've learned certain things that you'd like others to know, share it by blogging and/or tweeting about it!

The entire source code for this tutorial series can be found in the GitHub repo, which includes all the styles and code samples.

If at any point you feel stuck, have further questions, feel free to reach out to us by:

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