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OpenSeadradon Deep Dive

In this course, you'll learn how to prepare huge images for immersive viewing on the web using OpenSeadragon zooming technology.

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On demand video

51 mins

Video Lessons

13 Videos

Course Instructor
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How The Course Works


You can take the course from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.


Learn at your own pace, whenever it's convenient for you. With no rigid schedule to worry about, you can take the course on your own terms.


Join a vibrant community of other students who are also learning with OpenSeadradon Deep Dive. Ask questions, get feedback and collaborate with others to take your skills to the next level.


Learn in a cohesive fashion that's easy to follow. With a clear progression from basic principles to advanced techniques, you'll grow stronger and more skilled with each module.

Course Overview

Transform huge images into immersive experiences

What you will learn
  • The key concepts behind OpenSeadragon, including tile pyramids and viewport coordinates.

  • How to collect huge images and convert them into a format suitable for efficient display,using the VIPS command line tool.

  • How to build a pipeline for converting large numbers of images, using Node.js.

  • How to display all of the images together in the same viewer.

  • How to arrange the images however you want, and how to animate between arrangements.

  • User interaction with the images, including custom animated movement between images, using Tween.js.

  • Adding overlays with additional information and links, using the OpenSeadragon HTML Overlay plugin.

High-resolution imagery is all around us. Once the domain of high-end photography, now even our phones have many megapixels. OpenSeadragon is the premier tool for displaying these images on the web. Other tools exist, but they are either focused on geographic data, or they lack versatility and polish. OpenSeadragon has a lively community and is used throughout the world by artists, libraries, museums, medical/scientific institutions, etc.

With OpenSeadragon, you can display images too big to view on the screen, or even too big to send all at once, and seamlessly transition from low resolution to high resolution with no extra coding. OpenSeadragon works across devices, from tiny phone screens to giant wall displays.

By its very nature (allowing the user to zoom into ultra-high resolution images), OpenSeadragon has a number of very powerful concepts that may not be intuitive at first (tile pyramids, multiple coordinate systems, etc.). This course will give you a solid working understanding of those concepts. We will then dive further into many of the advanced techniques possible with OpenSeadragon to take your app to the next level. Throughout, we will work with real, functioning apps that you will build from start to finish.

This course is taught by Ian Gilman, the creator and maintainer of OpenSeadragon.

Our students work at

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Course Syllabus and Content

Module 1


2 Lessons

Module 2

Viewer Basics

3 Lessons 5 Minutes

Module 3

Tiled Images

5 Lessons 16 Minutes

Module 4


4 Lessons 11 Minutes

Module 5


3 Lessons 10 Minutes

Module 6


4 Lessons 7 Minutes

Meet the Course Instructor


👋 Hi! I'm Ian. I'm the creator and maintainer of OpenSeadragon. I've been writing dynamic software and teaching programming for several decades.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

This course is for JavaScript developers who want to present extremely high resolution images on the web.