Today, we'll look at an open-source library maintained by Airbnb called Enzyme that makes testing fun and easy.
Yesterday we used the
library to write our first
test against the Timeline
component. However,
this library is fairly low-level and can be a bit cumbersome
to use. Enzyme is a
testing utility library released and maintained by the
AirBnb team and it offers a
nicer, higher-level API for dealing with React components
under test.
We're testing against our
<Timeline />
Using Enzyme
We'll use Enzyme to make these tests easier to write and more readable.
Yesterday, we wrote our first test as the following:
import React from "react";
import TestUtils from "react-dom/test-utils";
import Timeline from "../Timeline";
describe("Timeline", () => {
it("wraps content in a div with .notificationsFrame class", () => {
const wrapper = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Timeline />);
TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(wrapper, "notificationsFrame");
Although this works, it's not quite the easiest test in the world to read. Let's see what this test looks like when we rewrite it with Enzyme.
Rather than testing the complete component tree with Enzyme, we can test just the output of the component. Any of the component's children will not be rendered. This is called shallow rendering.
Enzyme makes shallow rendering super easy. We'll use the
function exported by Enzyme to mount our
Let's first configure enzyme
use the adapter
that makes it compatible with React version 16. Create
and add the following:
import { configure } from "enzyme";
import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
Let's update the
file to include the shallow
function from
import React from "react";
import { shallow } from "enzyme";
describe("Timeline", () => {
it("wraps content in a div with .notificationsFrame class", () => {
// our tests
Shallow rendering is supported by
as well. In fact, Enzyme just wraps this functionality. While we didn't use shallow rendering yesterday, if we were to use it would look like this:const renderer = ReactTestUtils.createRenderer(); renderer.render(<Timeline />); const result = renderer.getRenderOutput();
Now to render our component, we can use the
method and store the result in a
variable. Then, we'll query the rendered
component for different React elements (HTML or child
components) that are rendered inside its virtual dom.
The entire assertion comprises two lines:
import React from "react";
import { shallow, mount } from "enzyme";
import Timeline from "../Timeline";
describe("Timeline", () => {
let wrapper;
it("wraps content in a div with .notificationsFrame class", () => {
wrapper = shallow(<Timeline />);
We can run our tests in the same manner as we did before using
the yarn test
command (or the
npm test
yarn test
Our test passes and is more readable and maintainable.
Let's continue writing assertions, pulling from the list
of assumptions that we made at the beginning of yesterday.
We'll structure the rest of our test suite first by
writing out our describe
blocks. We'll fill out the specs with
assertions after:
import React from "react";
import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import Timeline from "../Timeline";
describe("Timeline", () => {
let wrapper;
it("wraps content in a div with .notificationsFrame class", () => {
wrapper = shallow(<Timeline />);
it("has a title of Timeline");
describe("search button", () => {
it("starts out hidden");
it("becomes visible after being clicked on");
describe("status updates", () => {
it("has 4 status updates at minimum");
If we were following Test Driven Development (or TDD for short), we would write these assumptions first and then build the component to pass these tests.
Let's fill in these tests so that they pass against our
existing Timeline
Our title test is relatively simple. We'll look for the
title element and confirm the title is Timeline
We expect the title to be available under a class of
. So, to use the .title
in a spec, we can just grab the component using the
function exposed by Enzyme.
Since our Header
component is a child component
of our Timeline
component, we can't use the
method. Instead we have to use the
method provided by Enzyme.
Shallow? Mount?
rendering function only renders the component we're testing specifically and it won't render child elements. Instead we'll have tomount()
the component as the childHeader
won't be available in the jsdom otherwise.We'll look at more Enzyme functions at the end of this article.
Let's fill out the title spec now:
import React from "react";
import { shallow, mount } from "enzyme";
import Timeline from "../Timeline";
describe("Timeline", () => {
let wrapper;
it("wraps content in a div with .notificationsFrame class", () => {
wrapper = shallow(<Timeline />);
it("has a title of Timeline", () => {
wrapper = mount(<Timeline />); // notice the `mount`
Running our tests, we'll see these two expectations pass:
Next, let's update our search button tests. We have two tests here, where one requires us to test an interaction. Enzyme provides a very clean interface for handling interactions. Let's see how we can write a test against the search icon.
Again, since we're testing against a child element in our
Timeline, we'll have to mount()
the element.
Since we're going to write two tests in a nested
block, we can write a before helper to
create the mount()
anew for each test so they are
In addition, we're going to use the
element for both tests, so
let's write the .find()
for that element in
the before helper too.
describe("Timeline", () => {
let wrapper;
// ...
describe("search button", () => {
beforeEach(() => (wrapper = mount(<Timeline />)));
// ...
To test if the search input is hidden, we'll just have to
know if the active
class is applied or not.
Enzyme provides a way for us to detect if a component has a
class or not using the hasClass()
Let's fill out the first test to expect the search input
doens't have the active class:
describe("Timeline", () => {
let wrapper;
// ...
describe("search button", () => {
beforeEach(() => (wrapper = mount(<Timeline />)));
it("starts out hidden", () => {
it("becomes visible after being clicked on");
// ...
The tricky part about the second test is that we need to click
on the icon element. Before we look at how to do that,
let's find it first. We can target it by it's
class on the wrapper:
it("becomes visible after being clicked on", () => {
const icon = wrapper.find(".searchIcon");
Now that we have the icon we want to simulate a click on the
element. Recall that the onClick()
method is
really just a facade for browser events. That is, a click on
an element is just an event getting bubbled through the
component. Rather than controlling a mouse or calling
on the element, we'll simulate an
event occurring on it. For us, this will be the
We'll use the simulate()
method on the
to create this event:
it("becomes visible after being clicked on", () => {
const icon = wrapper.find(".searchIcon");
Now we can set an expectation that the
component has the
it("becomes visible after being clicked on", () => {
const icon = wrapper.find(".searchIcon");
Our last expectation for the Timeline
is that we have at least four status updates. As we are laying
these elements on the Timeline
component, we can
render the component. In addition, since
each of the elements are of a custom component, we can search
for the list of specific components of type
describe("status updates", () => {
it("has 4 status updates at minimum", () => {
wrapper = shallow(<Timeline />);
// ...
Now we can test for the length of a list of
components. We'll set our
expectation that the list if at least of length 4.
describe("status updates", () => {
it("has 4 status updates at minimum", () => {
wrapper = shallow(<Timeline />);
The entire test suite that we have now is the following:
import React from "react";
import { shallow, mount } from "enzyme";
import Timeline from "../Timeline";
describe("Timeline", () => {
let wrapper;
it("wraps content in a div with .notificationsFrame class", () => {
wrapper = shallow(<Timeline />);
it("has a title of Timeline", () => {
wrapper = mount(<Timeline />);
describe("search button", () => {
beforeEach(() => (wrapper = mount(<Timeline />)));
it("starts out hidden", () => {
it("becomes visible after being clicked on", () => {
const icon = wrapper.find(".searchIcon");
describe("status updates", () => {
it("has 4 status updates at minimum", () => {
wrapper = shallow(<Timeline />);
What's the deal with find()
Before we close out for today, we should look at the interface
of an Enzyme shallow-rendered component (in our tests, the
object). The
Enzyme documentation
is fantastic, so we'll keep this short.
Basically, when we use the find()
we'll pass it a selector and it will return a
instance that wraps the found
nodes. The find()
function can take a string,
function, or an object.
When we pass strings into the find()
function, we
can pass CSS selectors or the displayName of a
component. For instance:
We can also pass it the component constructor, for instance:
import { Link } from "react-router";
// ...
Finally, we can also pass it an object property selector object, which selects elements by their key and values. For instance:
wrapper.find({ to: "/login" });
The return value is a ShallowWrapper
, which is a
type of Wrapper
(we can have rendered wrappers
and shallow wrappers). These Wrapper
have a bunch of functions we can use to target different child
components, ways to look into the props
and the
, as well as other attributes of a rendered
component, such as html()
. What's more, we can chain these
calls together.
Take the case of the <Link />
component. If
we wanted to find the HTML of the link class based on all the
links available, we can write a test like this:
// ...
it("displays a link tag with the Login text", () => {
link = wrapper.find("Link").find({ to: "/login" });
expect(link.html()).toBe('<a class="link">Login</a>');
Phew! That's a lot of new information today, but look how quickly we wrote our follow-up tests with Enzyme. It's much quicker to read and makes it easier to discern what's actually happening.
Tomorrow we'll continue with our testing journey and walk through integration testing our application.