The Chrome Warning for Babel Script Tags, Explained


Anthony Accomazzo

February 20, 2017 // 1 min read

If you've been using Babel via babel-standalone to write React components in-line like this:

<script type="text/babel">
  class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
      return (<p>But what does it mean, Chrome‽</p>);

You may have noticed that recently an alarming warning started appearing in the Chrome console:

Fetching scripts with an invalid type/language attributes is deprecated and will be removed in M56, around January 2017.

It's OK! This warning is misleading and does not apply to using Babel in this manner. Updating to M56, you'll note that everything still works OK and that the warning disappears.


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Anthony Accomazzo

Passionate about teaching, Anthony has coached many beginning programmers through their early stages. Before Fullstack React, he led the development of IFTTT's API platform. A minimalist and a traveler, Anthony has been living out of a backpack for the past year.