
Angel Garbarino
👋 Hi! I’m Angel, the author of the book.
I am a self-taught Frontend developer. Not until I was in my early thirties did I seriously consider building up skills as a web developer. In all honesty, I wasn’t even sure what it meant to work as a web developer. All I knew was, I wanted to work on computers because I was decent at using them, and I was attracted to the job opportunities.
I wrote this book for the “me,” five years ago; for the person who is starting to think about what it might take to become a programmer or web developer. My path was convoluted, stressful, and inefficient. But it did not have to be.
I started by reading articles and seeking advice from friends. I continued with more articles, books, and online courses. As my skills or ability to fake-my-skills improved, I sought out consulting gigs. Fixing friends’ websites, and then being hired out as a consultant. On the job learning is great, but I had no idea what I was doing and stressed and slept little during these contracts.
Eventually, I landed a position at a web application company. I made friends, asked questions, and studied the skills I learned were needed for a job as a Frontend Developer. The weekend studying paid off, I applied for a Frontend Developer position, and I got it!
In this book, I will cover the fundamentals. But more importantly, I will talk about why they are the fundamentals. My goal is not to teach you a specific skill like HTML. Instead, I show you how to navigate what’s ahead of you. I get you set up for your next steps, whether that’s a path of self-learning or attending a bootcamp. By the end of this book, you will be able to make an educated decision about your future and understand the steps and commitment it will take to get there.
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