Course Introduction

Project Source Code

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:13] React hooks are powerful reusable functions that can be dropped into any React component of your choice, often as a one-liner. Carefully crafted, custom React hooks can abstract a lot of complexity outside of your React components.

  • [00:14 - 00:26] Combine that with the typing powers of TypeScript, and your React hooks can become even more powerful and easy to use. In this course, we start from a completely blank canvas and go step by step to rebuild React Use Police Stay.

  • [00:27 - 00:38] A React hook I've published as an NPM package that can animate both the title and fav icon of a web page. It's typically used as a fun visual reminder to pull a visitor back to your website.

  • [00:39 - 00:56] In detailed walkthrough lessons, we'll build all the interesting features for React Use Police Stay, as well as valuable developer experience improvements, an interactive demo page , and publish the hook to NPM. Ultimately, we'll get a state-of-the-art package to use for both the end user and developer alike.

  • [00:57 - 01:03] This hook is a lot of fun to use and was just as much fun to code. I can't wait to share my React and TypeScript journey with you.

  • [01:04 - 01:04] I hope to see you in the course.