Migrating the plugin to v5

Guidelines to migrate from a previous version to the latest v5

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  • [00:00 - 00:16] If you are already familiar with the ESLE implagging testing library but you are still using version 3 or version 4 of the plugin, this lesson will be helpful for you . Otherwise, you can skip it since we are going to see how to migrate up to version 5.

    [00:17 - 00:29] Version 3 of the plugin is probably the most famous one since it was included in Create React Cup version 4. After this version, two new measures have been released but there are people still migrating to the most recent one.

    [00:30 - 00:43] In this lesson, we are going to see briefly the migration guides for version 4 and version 5. In the proper doc located at the ESLE implagging testing library documentation, you will see a migration guide for version 4.

    [00:44 - 01:01] In here, you have the overview where the breaking changes, new features added. In the written version of this lesson, you will find the actual migration steps that you need to follow to migrate from version 3 to version 4.

    [01:02 - 01:20] They are quite straightforward, so if you are interested in migrating to version 4, you can just follow these steps. In the migration guide for version 5 in ESLE implagging testing library official documentation, you will find again a list of the changes introduced in version 5 and some steps to upgrade.

    [01:21 - 01:27] Again, in the written version of this lesson, you will find the migration steps to upgrade from version 4 to version 5.