Adding the first library

How to add Angular library to monorepo

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  • [00:00 - 00:29] Now it's the time to add the first Angular library that we will use later in our time tracking application. Similarly, the applications you can easily add a new library to your manner repo using a straightforward command. So, yarn, annex, g for generate, annex Angular library, the path to your library. So, we will use the recommended layout, leaps/name of our library, and of course, a prefix for Angular.

    [00:30 - 00:42] So, that's what we are going to execute. As you can see, generating is a very fast process. We have a list of created files and the last file, that's create.base.json was updated.

    [00:43 - 01:33] So, let's check how it looks like. cat, ts, config, base.json. And as you can see, path's configuration was added. So, from this point, we can access our library using path at time tracker/timetracking state lib. So , let's check what was generated for us by annex. First of all, let's list the files. And as you can see, we have a leaps directory. So, let's access it. And inside of our leaps directory, we have time tracking state lib that I have just created. So, let's access it. And again, let's list the files. And as you can see, our new library has separate jest config, separate ts config.

    [01:34 - 02:01] And if you are going to list all files, even the hidden ones, you will see that we have even separated as lint airc config, which means that every library in your mono repo can be configured separately. It gives you a huge flexibility in organizing your code in your repository. In crucial parts of your application, you can have a very strict configuration.

    [02:02 - 02:36] So, for example, you can have a lot of as lint roles that force a very secure code. And in different parts of your application, you can have different configuration. And again, you can have less as lint roles if you need. You can have different type script configuration, different jest plugins. So, basically, you can configure everything you want in every place separately. Now , you know how to add a simple library to your mono repo. In the next lesson, we will use the app and library we have just generated to create a simple time tracking application.