Mastering Project Management with Nx: Using Nx commands

How to run Nx commands

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  • [00:00 - 01:26] With NX, we are not limited to executing single commands like build for a specific project such as shared UI. Instead, we have the flexibility to run commands across multiple projects or even all projects within the workspace. This functionality resembles pmp run -r build, where we execute the build command across our projects. In NX, the equivalent approach involves using run many. We'd formulate it as an "X run many", followed by specifying the target, which could be built or test depending on the task at hand. If no parameters are provided, it automatically initiates the build process for all projects. Alternatively, we have the option to specify the projects we want to include. For example, we could list shared -ui followed by a comma and any other projects we wish to include. When using run -many specifically on shared UI, you'll notice that the command only applies to that particular project. This feature serves as a valuable means to selectively filter projects and execute commands tailored to them. Let's test this feature by adding a new project to the model repo. Let's create a new project called shared utils. So run pmp in it. Let's add a simple top-trip file.

    [01:27 - 01:43] Let's also create the test concrete file. And here let's create a simple function.

    [01:44 - 02:09] Let's copy our build command. "change main" to include the index file inside the dist directory.

    [02:10 - 02:26] And we can run this command. We have error, so let's fix it.

    [02:27 - 02:48] Let's install the dependency for the node types. Now let's try to build this app.

    [02:49 - 03:21] As you can see, the app has been built properly. Now let's try to build two projects out of three we have. So nbx and x run many projects. shared UI, comma shared utils.

    [03:22 - 03:32] And then we have to give it a target. Let's try build.

    [03:33 - 04:01] And nx went ahead and built shared UI and shared util projects. In this lesson we learned how to run commands in multiple projects as well as run commands selectively. nx provides the same feature of functions that pmp provided us to build or run commands recursively.