How to Test Custom ESLint Linting Rules With ASTPractical Abstract Syntax TreesTesting custom ESLint linting rules to verify they work as expected
How to Unit Test jscodeshift Transforms With ts-jestPractical Abstract Syntax TreesCreate tests for jscodeshift transforms for a faster feedback loop
How to Use ESLint to Create AST Rules With Babel TraversePractical Abstract Syntax TreesUse ESLint to create the same linting rule for the code with less boilerplate
How to Ensure Codebase is Up to Date With Linting RulesPractical Abstract Syntax TreesImplement a linting rule to prevent the code we just transformed from being reintroduced in the future
How to Create Codemods Using jscodeshiftPractical Abstract Syntax TreesUsing jscodeshift to make the same code transformations with less boilerplate
How to Mutate an AST and Automatically Replace Code ComponentsPractical Abstract Syntax TreesTransforming code in place by mutating an AST
When to Use Abstract Syntax Tree Tooling to Refactor at ScalePractical Abstract Syntax TreesA rough formula to determine when to use AST-based tooling
How to Add a Component and Update an ASTPractical Abstract Syntax TreesIntroduce a shared Button component to replace all existing button elements
How to Audit Your Code With AST ProgrammingPractical Abstract Syntax TreesCreate a custom script to audit a codebase
Add Type Safety and Prevent Runtime Errors With ASTPractical Abstract Syntax TreesSee how types can surface runtime errors
Traversing an AST With Babel TraversePractical Abstract Syntax TreesProgrammatically traverse an AST and visit arbitrary nodes
How to Generate a JavaScript AST With Babel PluginsPractical Abstract Syntax TreesExploring tools to convert (or parse) JavaScript into a real AST