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Better testing with Vue Test Utils30 Days of VueToday, we'll look at Vue’s official testing library called [**Vue Test Utils**](https://vue-test-utils.vuejs.org/) that makes testing fun and relatively easy.
Testing the App30 Days of VueToday, we'll start creating unit tests by looking at a few features of our application, thinking about where the edge cases are and what we assume will happen with the component.
Implementing Tests30 Days of VueYesterday, we discussed the importance of testing and some of the different types of unit testing libraries/suites that exist. Today, we'll begin to see unit testing in action.
Learn how to create your first React Native mobile app with Expo and Replit A...
Learn how to create your first Chrome extension with Replit Agent, an advance...
Learn about Replit Agent, an advanced AI-coding agent that’s capable of build...
Learn how to use Zapier and ChatGPT to identify customer pain points from Red...