Svelte Tutorial - What You'll Learn in This Video Course
Let's define what this course is about
This lesson preview is part of the Better Data Visualizations with Svelte course and can be unlocked immediately with a \newline Pro subscription or a single-time purchase. Already have access to this course? Log in here.
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[00:00 - 00:12] Hey y'all, so let's get started by talking about the course and what you can expect to get out of it. So this course, as we've talked about, shows how Svelte makes for better and easier data visualizations.
[00:13 - 00:30] Throughout the course, you're going to be building four charts alongside me, ranging from simple scatter plots to complex and interactive maps. In doing so, the important thing that I want to emphasize is that we're going to be learning patterns that are used throughout the industry that will prepare you to make any chart in Svelte.
[00:31 - 00:46] So we're going to start off with really, really simple charts to really make sure that you understand and master those patterns which will be used in modules two, three, and four, in any chart you make after the course as well. A little bit about free requisites.
[00:47 - 00:55] You're going to get the most out of the course if you have a basic understanding of JavaScript. If you don't, I've linked some resources here that you can go ahead and take a look at.
[00:56 - 01:12] And as you'll also note here, any understanding you have of the web will serve you well because Svelte at the end of the day is just a wrapper around existing web tools. So the more familiar you are with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the better.
[01:13 - 01:23] But it is by no means required, just know that you might have a steeper learning curve getting into it if you have less understanding of those tools. Finally, let's talk about what we won't do.
[01:24 - 01:31] So this course is about interactive data visualization with Svelte on the web. We're obviously not going to be talking about React or any other framework.
[01:32 - 01:40] We're also not going to be talking about making a pure D3 application, which we 'll talk about soon. And we also will not cover these two concepts.
[01:41 - 01:49] Static visualization, so how to make something that you print out, although you could print out your web page. And second, visualization theory, beyond what's practical.
[01:50 - 02:00] We'll talk a little bit about colors and when it's appropriate to use a radial scale versus a different type of scale. But visualization theory in its comprehensive form is beyond the scope of this course.