How to Add a File to React

Add a descriptive and helpful README to our project

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  • [00:00 - 00:08] Alright, so the final thing we want to do before we wrap up our project is create a readme file. Creating a readme file for your project is always good practice.

    [00:09 - 00:21] It not only helps others get your project up and running quickly, but also helps you remember the details of how you set things up. You'll be happy you did this if you ever want to set it up on another machine or revisit the code after a while.

    [00:22 - 00:33] So first we'll create a file at the root of our project. And then in here we'll first add a section that describes how to get the project up and running locally.

    [00:34 - 00:50] So here we describe where to register a Spotify app in the Spotify developer dashboard and add a proper redirect URI. And then we use the m.example as an example file for the user to set up their .

    [00:51 - 01:04] m file. And then we make sure that people install the correct version of node with mbm and then run mpm, install and mpm start. Then we'll add another section that describes how to deploy the app to Heroku.

    [01:05 - 01:32] So here we basically describe what we did in the last lesson to create an app in Heroku, add the get remote, and then add the production redirect URI to our Spotify app settings in the Spotify developer dashboard. Then all we need to do is tell the user to set up the config variables in the Heroku dashboard and finally push to Heroku.

    [01:33 - 01:41] Awesome. Now you have some descriptive documentation to help others set up the project in case you ever want to push your project up to GitHub.