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Project Source Code

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:08] Alright, so in order to program the Rust first we have to install Rust. And to do that we'll use RustUp which is sort of like NVM from the node ecosystem.

  • [00:09 - 00:18] It lets us manage Rust versions and install some other Rust tools and is overall pretty convenient. We can do that by going to

  • [00:19 - 00:31] Clicking install up here and using this command. It'll ask for some installation config and we can just pass the default.

  • [00:32 - 00:48] And once you do this you might need to either source that file or restart your terminal and to see the changes take effect. So now let's check make sure that it worked by running RustUp version and we see that it did.

  • [00:49 - 01:17] We'll also check cargo version and cargo is the Rust ecosystem equivalent of N PM. Finally we'll just take a look at rustseed.version and rustsea is the standard bare bones rust compiler which we'll see an action here in just a moment.

Alright, so in order to program the Rust first we have to install Rust. And to do that we'll use RustUp which is sort of like NVM from the node ecosystem. It lets us manage Rust versions and install some other Rust tools and is overall pretty convenient. We can do that by going to Clicking install up here and using this command. It'll ask for some installation config and we can just pass the default. And once you do this you might need to either source that file or restart your terminal and to see the changes take effect. So now let's check make sure that it worked by running RustUp version and we see that it did. We'll also check cargo version and cargo is the Rust ecosystem equivalent of N PM. Finally we'll just take a look at rustseed.version and rustsea is the standard bare bones rust compiler which we'll see an action here in just a moment.