Application demo

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:06] This is the application that we are going to build. In this application, we will learn how to fetch data, how to build an infinite scroll.

  • [00:07 - 00:23] We will also learn how to filter the data, just like this. Also, how to display the data, how to do a reactive validation, for example, like this, how to subscribe to events, and also display notifications when a certain event occurs.

  • [00:24 - 00:28] This might look like a simple application, but don't fool yourself. There are a lot of concepts involved.

  • [00:29 - 00:31] We will also cover common mistakes and best practices.

This is the application that we are going to build. In this application, we will learn how to fetch data, how to build an infinite scroll. We will also learn how to filter the data, just like this. Also, how to display the data, how to do a reactive validation, for example, like this, how to subscribe to events, and also display notifications when a certain event occurs. This might look like a simple application, but don't fool yourself. There are a lot of concepts involved. We will also cover common mistakes and best practices.