Module 13 Introduction

This is an introduction to the work we'll be doing in Module 13.0.

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  • [00:00 - 00:30] In this module, we'll focus on the last major feature of our application, and that's allowing users to book listings from other users. That's right. In this module, we'll create and build the Create Booking GraphQL mutation, address that when a booking is created, how the booking's index of a listing is to be updated, and the client will see how we can disable dates that have already been booked in the date picker elements in the listing page.

    [00:31 - 00:50] We'll show how we can surface a confirmation model that summarizes the amount to be paid when a user is ready to book a certain listing. We'll see how we can use an element from the React Stripe Elements library to capture debit or credit card information.

    [00:51 - 01:04] And finally, when the Create Booking mutation is to be triggered, we'll verify that the payment is actually made, and all the expected updates in our application is made accordingly. (upbeat music)