Module 18 Introduction
This is an introduction to the bonus work we'll be doing in Module 18.0.
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[00:00 - 00:03] Hey folks, Hassan here. First of all, apologies for the scruffy look.
[00:04 - 00:16] This is the quarantine treatment and hopefully in the next coming week actually , I won't be a scruffy. So I'm just recording this very quick video to just talk about the new module we're adding in unit testing.
[00:17 - 00:25] So a lot of you have asked about testing and unit testing in general and rightfully so. It's incredibly important to think about production scale applications and having tests.
[00:26 - 00:40] One of the reasons why we've been a bit tentative on producing lessons or modules was the thought that we have to prepare tests for every part of our app, which is fine. But you know, running through hours and hours and hours of screencast material, just to go through a lot of these tests, which can be a bit repetitive.
[00:41 - 00:48] So we've taken a lot more of a summarized approach. So in this particular module that we've just introduced, we're going to introduce unit testing.
[00:49 - 00:55] We're going to introduce unit testing on the client in particular. We're going to talk about the tools that can be used and the tools we're going to use to actually conduct unit tests.
[00:56 - 01:21] But we're only going to do tests for two main components on the client, the home components and the login components. And by doing so, we're hoping we would give you enough of the foundation or foundational understanding of what needs to be done when it comes to unit testing such that you can take it further away for you to write more tests as you move forward, whether it's on your own production application or whether it's in the tiny house application that you're working on as well.
[01:22 - 01:28] Another quick note to make. Since this is a spinoff module, it's not as detailed as the other modules in our course.
[01:29 - 01:32] So we're going to move a bit quicker. It's more of a higher level overview.
[01:33 - 01:44] We're not going to spend as much time talking about the details here. And I'm hoping since you've already probably covered part one and part two of the course at this moment, you'll be able to follow along a little bit faster and pick up where we're going to go.
[01:45 - 01:56] In addition, since we're not as detailed here, you may hear a few rambling from myself, a few tangents, me going across the path. But I'll try to always bring it back to it being helpful and useful for you.
[01:57 - 02:02] And as always, let us know your thoughts. We're available as much as we can, specifically on the Discord channel.
[02:03 - 02:11] Feel free to chip in, ask us questions. Even if it's related to some of the testing work you're trying to do in your own app and you're trying to learn from this module, let us know.
[02:12 - 02:22] We'll try our best to help you where we can. In this module, we'll talk about unit testing and unit testing on the React client application in particular.
[02:23 - 02:37] Lesson one will address what unit testing is and give an introduction to the importance of unit testing. Lesson two will talk about two of the main tools we'll use to unit test our client application, just and React testing library.
[02:38 - 02:46] Lesson three will talk about another tool that a polar provides to help mock GraphQL requests in our tests. This is the Apollo React testing tool.
[02:47 - 03:07] Lesson four is when we get started and lesson five, six, seven, eight is when we actually conduct the unit tests that we do. Lesson five and six would be the two lessons focused on testing the home components of our client application and lesson seven and eight would be the two lessons focused on testing the login components of our client application.
[03:08 - 03:20] Lesson nine is a spin off lesson to an already spin off bonus module. This is not really fully related to testing, but I realize we don't really talk about how code is often pushed to production settings.
[03:21 - 03:35] So in this lesson, we'll spend a very short period of time, 10 or 15 minutes, talking about some of the steps people can take often times when it comes to pushing code and creating PRs to large production scale applications where other developers are often working with you.