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Third-person camera controller - part 2Unity for Beginners - Animal CrossingLet's write a script for your camera which will follow our main character as it walks. The camera will also be able to zoom in and zoom out.
Third-person camera controller - part 1Unity for Beginners - Animal CrossingLet's take a look at the components and properties of the camera object in the inspector window.
Third-person movement - part 2Unity for Beginners - Animal CrossingWe will be using Rigidbody-based movement for our character to make it move left, right, forward and backward. There are two general ways to implement movement of a character in combination with Unity's physics engine.
Lighting in Unity (spotlight, directional light, point and area light)Unity for Beginners - Animal CrossingLight in Unity is a game component which is responsible for illuminating objects. We will go over the different types of lights we can use in our game such as: spotlight, directional light, point and area light.
ConclusionUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingGreat! Now we have our Mousey NPC that strolls back and forth as long as the main character is outside the defined circle.
Make a new Unity3D projectUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingLet's make a new Unity3D project and get started with making our game
Intro to 2D and 3D gamesUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingLearn about the characteristics of 2D and 3D games
Intro & Getting StartedUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingLet's get started with the basics of what a game engine is and the different categories of games.
Set up Mousey in the inspector windowUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingA short lesson on setting up the Mousey character in the inspector window.
Patrol Path ScriptUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingPatrolPathScript script allows for the visualization of the patrol path by drawing the lines and the spheres. It also has two functions that allows the AI script to grab the current and next point in the patrol.
AI ScriptUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingIn this script the Mousey NPC will patrol with animations along a certain pre-determined patrol path. The Mousey NPC will stop walking if the player crosses its path.
Set up the Mousey animatorUnity for Beginners - Animal CrossingLet's add an idle animation to our Mousey charactert to make it look more animated!