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        Perform Angular HTTP Calls With TransferHttpCacheModuleThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Next step is to get know a TransferHttpCacheModule, which provides the TransferState functionality "out of the box" for the HTTP calls.



        Send Server Data to Client With Angular TransferStateThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Say Hello to TransferState, a key-value registry that is passed along with the application bundle, from the server-side angular to the browser-side part of the application. In this lesson you will learn how frontend can get to know what backend has already do (ie retrieving data from DB); thanks to that you can avoid repeating those steps and offload your application backend.



        How to Make Angular Functional With JavaScript DisabledThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Once you know how to read cookies in the Angular Universal app, it's time to learn how to set them up. In this lesson, you will make your application fully functional for users whose browser doesn't support JavaScript at all.



        How to Read HTTP Requests With Cookies in AngularThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Next step is to create a server-equivalent of service responsible for user interactions. This lesson will show you how to read HTTP requests in Angular, get cookies from it and decrypt them.



        How to Build Server-Specific Services in Angular UniversalThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Once your MongoService is in place, you need to prepare a server-equivalent of ProductsService. This service will query MongoService for products list and descriptions and embed those in the HTML rendered by Angular Universal.



        How to Query MongoDB from Angular UniversalThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        One of possible improvements is to perform queries against MongoDB directly from Angular Universal. In this lesson you will create a service which does this job.



        Retrieve MongoDB Data in Angular Universal With SecretsThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        In this course module, you will learn how to pass objects and function references from Node.js to Angular Universal sandbox. You will build a service that will be used to connect with MongoDB and perform queries. You will also gain knowledge on how to prepare a server-equivalent of services used in browser-side Angular; and how to improve your application performance thanks to them. You will also make your application fully functional for users with disabled JavaScript.



        How to Optimize Angular SEO With Title and Meta TagsThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Next step in SEO is to set up meta-tags. If you want to know how to do it in Angular, this lesson will help you to find the answer.



        How to Add Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt to an Angular AppThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        In this lesson, you will add even more for SEO. Your application deserves robots.txt and proper sitemap.



        How to Add Internationalization to Angular With i18nThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Unfortunately, schematics are not a magic wand and they won't solve all of your problems. Sometimes your project needs to be adjusted to do not break Server-Side Rendering process. Here's what might go wrong, and how to address that.



        How to Measure Performance - Angular vs Angular UniversalThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Once the application is said to be SEO friendly and performance optimized by schemtaics - let's check that in battlefield. In this lesson you will deploy your project to Heroku and measure its performance.



        Server-Side Rendering With Angular Universal SchematicsThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        The easiest way to enhance your Angular project with new functionalities is to use Schematics - a set of instruction for CLI on how to change the project and install new dependencies. Let's do that with Angular Universal and review what Schematics did for us.