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        How to Deploy an Angular App and Watch PerformanceThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Every journey has some end. At the end of software development is production. It's time to deploy your application to Heroku and test with multiple tools how it performs.



        How to Fetch Data From MongoDB and Display it in AngularThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Our application would be nothing without the data. In this course part you will display products images, description and prices in your Angular application.



        How to Add User Authentication to Angular With MongoDB APIThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        When the backend is ready, it's time for frontend. In this lesson you will integrate user API with Angular. You will implement the user authentication flow.



        Build MongoDB API With Encryption for PII Data and AuthThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        We're building software for people, and we need to give them a way to communicate with it. This lesson will show you how to prepare an API for user interaction like loging in and adding products to list of favorites. Moreover you will be introduced to the security essentials like cookies encryption and password hashing.



        How to Build a MongoDB REST API to Fetch DataThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Once the database is set up and ready, you need to establish a connection with it. That's what you're going to do in this part of the course. Apart of that you will create backend API to get list of products and their descriptions.



        How to Install MongoDB Locally and Import JSON DataThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Every application needs a persistence layer. This lesson will show you how to enroll for free Atlas cloud MongoDB instance. You will also feed your database with data.



        How to Install Angular From the CLI and Add Bootstrap CSSThe newline Guide to Angular Universal

        Most projects start from scratch. This one is not an exception. In this lesson you will initialize the Angular application using CLI, include the Cascading StyleSheet, set up routing and basic components.



        How Does Angular Work with Heroku and MongoDB?The newline Guide to Angular Universal

        In this course module, you will build a production-ready Angular application. It will consist of a list of products with pictures, descriptions, and prices. Each product will have a dedicated landing page. You will also develop the functionality of adding products to a list of favorites and displaying that list. You will build a back-end and API to feed your application with data. The data will be retrieved from MongoDB provisioned in your Heroku application.