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Tailwind CSS

A quick introduction to Tailwind CSS

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:08] In this module, we're going to be digging into front-end development. We're going to be creating the basic UI for our product.

  • [00:09 - 00:20] Now, obviously, we're going to be styling it using Tailwind CSS, and I've already been singing Tailwind's praises, so I don't think I need to do that any further here . I think it's a great framework, and I hope you will, too.

  • [00:21 - 00:36] One thing to note, though, is that I don't think there's any reason to be dog matic about it. I think I did initially when I discovered it, and I suspect other people due to maybe you are tempted to use utility classes for everything if you've just discovered how wonderful they are.

  • [00:37 - 00:49] But I think it's perfectly fine to create some regular classes and styles to use in combination with Tailwind. It just makes some things much simpler, and there's absolutely no reason not to do it.

  • [00:50 - 01:01] So specifically, let's create a rule here that will make sure that the entire page is 100% tall. This is something I find just makes some styling a lot easier, so I often do this.

  • [01:02 - 01:22] So in our index.css here, I will just create this rule that says that the body, the HTML tag, and the div that is called root, or has the ID root, will all have 100% height. This makes styling something that covers the entire page a lot simpler.

  • [01:23 - 01:43] [no audio]

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