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How To Make CSS “Click” Through Mastering Layouts

CSS is and always has been a unique challenge. It's a tool that often divides developers into two camps: those who love it and those who kinda hate it. CSS can be an enigma even to the most skilled of devs. Developers able to create amazing pieces of code in Python and Node can be at a loss when learning how to buld CSS layouts.

Announcing "Mastering CSS Layout": The Only Guide You Need To Build Any Layout You Want

If you’ve ever thought to yourself “man, CSS sucks !” when trying to build a layout, we have great news for you. We’re here to help you say goodbye to the frustration and confusion that often goes hand in hand with the little devil we like to call CSS. Introducing "Mastering CSS Layout" - the guide that promises to help you… uh… master CSS layout.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Announcing "Mastering CSS Layout": The Only Guide You Need To Build Any Layout You Want

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Embedding Figma Files in Storybook

The best design and development teams imbue design and brand consistency across multiple products with design systems . When designers and developers collaborate on and regularly contribute to a design system, communication between designers and developers improves since a design system serves as a single source of truth for design guidelines, workflows and elements. By having a design system, everyone understands what set of colors, typography, components, etc. defines the brand and unifies the digital experience. A tool for building robust design systems is Figma . Unlike most other tools, Figma allows teams to work together on design systems in real-time. Design systems constantly evolve to meet users' growing expectations and/or adopt the latest UI/UX trends and patterns, so using a tool like Figma helps to organize, maintain and easily locate design elements. Plus, Figma provides an Inspect panel , which gives developers an easy way to extract CSS code from any design element. This close mapping to code makes developer handoff more seamless. Designers can edit styles and assets within the design system, and developers can view those changes immediately and quickly adapt them into the products. Pairing Figma with Storybook speeds up this process. With a single Storybook addon, storybook-addon-designs , a Figma design system (or any design system) gets directly embedded in the addon panel of the Storybook UI. Any updates made to the design system are synced to the Storybook addon, so developers don't have to switch back and forth between Figma and Storybook to implement these updates in code. They no longer need to ask for links to the updated parts of the design system.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Embedding Figma Files in Storybook

Annotating React Styled Components with TypeScript

Styled components redefine how we apply CSS styles to React components. Unlike the traditional approach of manually assigning CSS classes (from an imported CSS file) to elements within a component, CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components provide primitives for locally scoping CSS styles to a component with unique, auto-generated CSS classes. Consider a simple component composed of several styled React components. Each of styled 's helper methods corresponds to a specific DOM node: Here, the component's styles, structure and logic can all be found within a single file. styled-components comes up with a unique class name for each set of CSS rules, feeds the CSS to a CSS preprocessor (Stylis), places the compiled CSS within a