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Type Safety in TypeScript with tRPC for Enhanced Code Reliability

Type safety is a critical feature of TypeScript that aids in preventing runtime errors and boosting developer productivity. In this article, I will dive into how tRPC, a TypeScript RPC framework known for its type safety, builds upon this feature. I’ll be discussing the fundamental concepts of TypeScript type safety, the advantages of tRPC, and its role in augmenting type safety in projects as well. My goal is to give readers a comprehensive understanding of how tRPC can enhance development workflows and minimize technical debt. Before delving into tRPC, it's important to understand the foundational concepts of type safety in TypeScript: With a clear understanding of the basics, let's examine how tRPC boosts type safety in TypeScript: By leveraging tRPC's features, developers can achieve an advanced level of type safety in TypeScript projects, lowering the risk of runtime errors and enhancing overall code reliability. To exemplify the practical application of tRPC in TypeScript, let's consider a scenario with a User entity with a type definition shared between the client and server. In this instance, any modifications to the User type or the getUser endpoint will instantaneously reflect on both the client and server, ensuring type safety and minimizing the risk of runtime errors. The tRPC framework is part of a broader stack that includes a variety of modern and mature technologies. Here's a glance at the stack: These technologies collaborate to create a robust and efficient development environment. The stack integrates by leveraging the strengths of each technology: This blend of technologies facilitates seamless integration and efficient development. The stack offers several exclusive benefits that augment type safety and enhance development workflows: These benefits contribute to a more reliable and maintainable codebase. For those interested in delving deeper into the stack and harnessing its capabilities, Kristian Dupont's —which is me— course, " Fullstack TypeScript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using Modern Features of PostgreSQL ," is a valuable resource. The course covers various aspects, including: This course offers a hands-on and comprehensive guide to constructing robust applications with the stack. I am the author of the course, an experienced full-stack developer with over 25 years in the field. I’ve worked on various projects, from embedded C code for tiny processors to expansive SaaS products. My deep understanding of the software industry and practical expertise make me an ideal guide for learners. The course emphasizes on building a simple booking system, demonstrating the stack's capabilities. It covers various aspects, such as: By working on a real-world project, learners gain hands-on experience and insights into building production-ready applications. TypeScript's type safety is a formidable feature that enhances code reliability and developer productivity. By integrating tRPC into TypeScript projects, developers can further enhance type safety and streamline development workflows. The tRPC framework provides automatic type inference, eliminates code duplication, and improves developer experience. When combined with the stack of modern technologies, tRPC empowers developers to build robust and efficient applications. For those interested in delving deeper into the stack and learning how to harness its capabilities, Kristian Dupont's course, " Fullstack TypeScript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using Modern Features of PostgreSQL, " is a valuable resource.

Master Full Stack Development with tRPC: An Introductory Guide

Welcome to this introductory guide on leveraging tRPC for full-stack development. With TypeScript's increasing popularity, tRPC has surfaced as a modern standard that empowers developers to achieve automatic type safety, an optimized developer experience, and exceptional compatibility with existing JavaScript frameworks. This guide aims to introduce you on integrating tRPC into your web stack and its efficient usage with PostgreSQL's modern features and TailwindCSS. This educational article is specifically designed for individuals who: If you're new to tRPC , then you definitely need to continue reading. tRPC holds immense potential to become a leading modern standard for several reasons: To explore more about tRPC , visit their official site . Let's dive into the three crucial steps to integrating tRPC into your web stack. Procedures in tRPC are the functions used to construct the backend. They can be queries, mutations, or subscriptions. The initial step in creating a tRPC API involves defining these procedures. Next, establish the HTTP server using the appRouter . Now, a tRPC server is live and functional! With the server operational, create a client and initiate querying data. Pass the AppRouter type when creating the client to provide TypeScript autocompletion and Intellisense matching the backend API without requiring any code generation. The technology stack for this specific guide includes NodeJS, React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, tRPC , PostgreSQL, Koa, and Knex. All these technologies are mature, and have proven their mettle in production. For a more visual representation and in-depth details on this stack, you may refer to this video tutorial by me, Kristian Dupont, on \newline’s YouTube channel. The integration of tRPC with an entire technology stack provides numerous advantages, particularly in terms of type safety and code confidence. The stack discussed in this guide facilitates end-to-end type safety, enhancing the developer experience by preventing potential errors, aiding refactoring, and improving team communication. To further bolster your learning experience, consider the full course Fullstack Typescript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using Modern Features of PostgreSQL by Kristian Dupont on \newline .

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Introduction to using PostgreSQL with NodeJS: A Beginner's Guide

Are you ready to dive into the world of powerful database management with PostgreSQL and NodeJS? This guide is designed for beginners who want to understand how to use PostgreSQL in their NodeJS projects. Whether you're new to databases or looking to expand your skills, this tutorial will help you get started with confidence. In this guide, we'll cover: By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid foundation for building applications with PostgreSQL and NodeJS. For a more visual representation and in-depth details, you may refer to this video tutorial by me, Kristian Dupont, on \newline’s YouTube channel. Before we begin, you'll need to have PostgreSQL installed on your system. Here are two ways to do it: If you prefer using Docker, you can run PostgreSQL in a container with this one-liner: This command will: Now that we have PostgreSQL installed, let's set up our NodeJS project and connect to the database. Let's create a simple Koa server that we'll use to handle our API requests. Create a new file named server.mjs : Now, let's implement three endpoints for basic CRUD operations on a users table. First, let's create our users table. Run this SQL command in your PostgreSQL client: Now, let's add our routes to server.mjs : These routes allow you to: At this point, you should be able to start your server with the following command line: It should print that the server is running on port 3000. You can try it out by opening this route in a browser: http://localhost:3000/users — which should give you an empty array. Use a tool like cUrl or Postman to try out the POST route and see that you can create users in your database. The guide above forms part of a broader context, which includes working with a monorepo , setting up npm workspaces in monorepos , sharing configurations across packages, setting up the frontend with Vite , React , and Tailwind , and more. The full stack comprises the following technologies: This development stack provides end-to-end type safety, a greater confidence level when refactoring, and the ability to work with the database using plain SQL while still maintaining a type-safe architecture. Mastering PostgreSQL doesn't have to be intimidating. With this guide as a base, you can embark on your journey towards advanced database management using a full stack of contemporary technologies. To enhance your skills further, check out my course Fullstack Typescript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using Modern Features of PostgreSQL . Happy learning!