Tutorials on D3

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  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue
  • Svelte
  • NextJS
  • Redux
  • Apollo
  • Storybook
  • D3
  • Testing Library
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Deno
  • Rust
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  • GraphQL
  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue
  • Svelte
  • NextJS
  • Redux
  • Apollo
  • Storybook
  • D3
  • Testing Library
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Deno
  • Rust
  • Python
  • GraphQL

Building a Bar Chart Race with D3 and Svelte

In this article, we will create a data visualization that animates the changes in the stargazer counts of popular front-end library/framework GitHub repositories over the past 15 years. Which front-end libraries/frameworks currently dominate the web development landscape? Which front-end libraries/frameworks used to dominate web development landscape?
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Building a Bar Chart Race with D3 and Svelte

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Interaction Testing in Storybook

When it comes to visually testing a collection of components, no other tool stands out quite like Storybook . Not only does Storybook provide an isolated environment for developing components and display their different rendered states, but Storybook also integrates with Testing Library to simulate and test component functionality that's triggered by a user interaction. For example, instead of just checking if a form renders correctly, you can also check if behavior like form submission and validation work correctly. This integration with Testing Library allows Storybook to capture all component states, those that can be reproduced solely with props and those that require user interaction to be reached. Conventionally, developers run and receive feedback on tests written in Jest and Testing Library in the CLI. It prints several lines of text that report which assertions ( expect statements) passed and failed. However, it never shows what the component looks like when rendered. With Storybook and a Storybook addon called @storybook/addon-interactions , you get to view and interact with the rendered component in Storybook's Canvas. Plus, you get to see line-by-line reporting of the simulated user interactions and passed/failed assertions in Storybook's Interactions panel. By having everything under one roof this way, you only need to set up decorators like theming and routing just once, and the Storybook GUI trumps over the CLI for debugging UI issues. In v6.4.0 , Storybook introduced browser-compatible wrappers of Testing Library and Jest that power interactive stories. These type of stories automate user interactions using a play function. A new feature to Component Story Format (CSF) 3.0, the play function executes after the component has rendered in Storybook. Using methods from the Testing Library, the play function dispatches events, such as userEvent.click / fireEvent.click for clicking an element, that simulate user interactions in the browser.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Interaction Testing in Storybook

Writing Custom React Hooks for D3 Visualizations

In late 2018, the React development team introduced hooks into version 16.8 of the React library. Shifting from class components to functional components, hooks provide a cleaner pattern for reusing stateful logic between components without relying on higher-order components (also known as "wrappers"), which add unnecessary levels to the component hierarchy, and render props , which are messy because of the amount of code they add to the JSX returned by the render method. In class components, lifecycle methods and component state are rigidly bound to a particular component. Since class components define each lifecycle method only once, a lifecycle method often contains lots of unrelated logic, such as the componentDidMount lifecycle method setting up different event listeners and fetching data from a remote API endpoint. Performing all of these tasks within a single lifecycle method increases the likelihood of introducing bugs and unintended behavior. However, in functional components, all of this logic can be distributed into separate hooks to share this logic with other functional components. Built-in hooks, such as useState and useEffect , handle component state and side-effects ( useEffect consolidates multiple lifecycle methods into a single hook) respectively and make it easy to extract reusable snippets of code into smaller units of functionality. They serve as the building blocks for composing custom hooks. As a React application grows and becomes more complex to accommodate new features, writing components as functional components and delegating shareable logic to custom hooks allow components to not only be lighter, but also, flexible and maintainable.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Writing Custom React Hooks for D3 Visualizations