Module 2 Introduction

Introduction to Module 2: Upgrading React App Version

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  • [00:00 - 00:10] We've learned about the benefits React hooks can bring to a project, and we've seen some examples of them at work in the previous module. Now it's time to start applying hooks to our sample app.

    [00:11 - 00:29] But before we can add them, we need to upgrade our app to a version of React that actually supports hooks. There's also some foundational JavaScript project configuration that we'll explicitly define in the app so that anyone doing development can do so with confidence and as little setup effort on their part as possible.

    [00:30 - 00:49] In this module, we'll upgrade our sample React app hardware handler to use the latest version of React and React scripts. We'll also use Volta and Node engines to define our Node.js and Yarn versions so that no matter which developer pulls the project down locally, everyone will be working with the same dependencies.