Introduction to Module 3
In this module, we'll install Apollo Server and the GraphQL JavaScript library, create a GraphQL Schema, build GraphQL resolver functions to interact with our mock data, and recreate our schema with the much simpler GraphQL Schema Language.
Module 3 Introduction
We have an understanding of how GraphQL is a typed query language that allows client-side applications to request the data they want. With that said, how would one go about creating a GraphQL API?
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[00:00 - 00:18] We have an understanding of how GraphQL is a typed query language that allow client-side applications to sort of request the data they want. With that being said though , how do we create a GraphQL API? GraphQL can be implemented in multiple programming language. In our case, we'll be using Apollo to create our API.
[00:19 - 00:33] That's right. And we'll be using the Apollo Server package, which is the server package within the Apollo ecosystem. A Apollo Server allows us to create a production-ready, self-documenting Graph QL API in node applications.
[00:34 - 00:43] It's really easy to get started with and incrementally adaptable. In this module, we'll install Apollo Server and the GraphQL JavaScript library.
[00:44 - 00:57] Next, we'll create a GraphQL schema, then build GraphQL resolver functions to interact with our mock data. Finally, we'll recreate our schema using the much simpler GraphQL schema language.
[00:58 - 00:59] (upbeat music)