Introduction to using PostgreSQL with NodeJS: A Beginner's Guide

Are you ready to dive into the world of powerful database management with PostgreSQL and NodeJS? This guide is designed for beginners who want to understand how to use PostgreSQL in their NodeJS projects. Whether you're new to databases or looking to expand your skills, this tutorial will help you get started with confidence. In this guide, we'll cover: By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid foundation for building applications with PostgreSQL and NodeJS. For a more visual representation and in-depth details, you may refer to this video tutorial by me, Kristian Dupont, on \newline’s YouTube channel. Before we begin, you'll need to have PostgreSQL installed on your system. Here are two ways to do it: If you prefer using Docker, you can run PostgreSQL in a container with this one-liner: This command will: Now that we have PostgreSQL installed, let's set up our NodeJS project and connect to the database. Let's create a simple Koa server that we'll use to handle our API requests. Create a new file named server.mjs : Now, let's implement three endpoints for basic CRUD operations on a users table. First, let's create our users table. Run this SQL command in your PostgreSQL client: Now, let's add our routes to server.mjs : These routes allow you to: At this point, you should be able to start your server with the following command line: It should print that the server is running on port 3000. You can try it out by opening this route in a browser: http://localhost:3000/users — which should give you an empty array. Use a tool like cUrl or Postman to try out the POST route and see that you can create users in your database. The guide above forms part of a broader context, which includes working with a monorepo , setting up npm workspaces in monorepos , sharing configurations across packages, setting up the frontend with Vite , React , and Tailwind , and more. The full stack comprises the following technologies: This development stack provides end-to-end type safety, a greater confidence level when refactoring, and the ability to work with the database using plain SQL while still maintaining a type-safe architecture. Mastering PostgreSQL doesn't have to be intimidating. With this guide as a base, you can embark on your journey towards advanced database management using a full stack of contemporary technologies. To enhance your skills further, check out my course Fullstack Typescript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using Modern Features of PostgreSQL . Happy learning!