Tutorials on Javascript Micro Library

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  • Testing Library
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Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 3/4

Here is Part 3/4 of our tutorial series on building a JavaScript micro-library for creating your apps with Web Components. As I pointed out in previous lessons, the micro-library eases the path to development with Web Components, automating a lot of the work so developers can build their apps faster. Here's what we covered so far: Now in this tutorial, Part 3, we will automate another piece of functionality for classes that use our decorator. In this case, we'll automatically attach a Shadow DOM to those classes so that the user of the library does not have to manually create a Shadow DOM for their custom elements.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 3/4

Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 4/4

In this capstone tutorial, we're going to actually use the micro-library in app code so you can see how the micro-library makes things easier for developers in real world development. In the previous steps of this 4-part tutorial, this is what we accomplished: In this final tutorial, we will now refactor an example component to use the @Component decorator and the attachShadow function from our micro-library.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 4/4

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Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 2/4

As we covered in the previous tutorial , a micro-library helps developers implement common features more quickly than using the web APIs directly. Now in this tutorial, we will code our class decorator that allows our classes to instantly gain new features without writing the code for them every time. The class decorator eliminates boilerplate and allows users of the micro-library to focus on higher-level concepts while delegating common class setups to the micro-library. Implementing a class decorator is going to significantly improve the developer experience, allowing developers to code Web Components faster. We'll enhance the class-based implementation which custom elements rely on by cleaning up each constructor .
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 2/4

Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 1

If you've ever wondered how libraries like React , Preact , or Svelte work under the hood, this is a great exploration of what you need to know. Using Web Components means that your own micro-library, which we build in this series, will work easily with any JavaScript codebase. This achieves greater levels of code reuse. Let's dive in. When building with Web Components, you will rely heavily on the set of specifications that make up Web Components: The main benefits Web Components bring to the table: reuse, interoperable, accessible, having a long lifespan, are due to their reliance on browser specifications. Had we adopted a library or framework, we might have lost some or all of these characteristics in the user interfaces built with it. UI components coded with some libraries aren't interoperable with other JavaScript libraries or frameworks, which puts a hard limit on reuse.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Build Your Own JavaScript Micro-Library Using Web Components: Part 1