Tutorials on React Redux

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  • Redux
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  • Testing Library
  • JavaScript
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  • GraphQL

How to Use Thunks with Redux Toolkit and TypeScript

Last time we used Redux Toolkit to create a todo app. Since RTK is considered to be the standard way to write redux applications, we will use thunks with Redux Toolkit to write asynchronous logic as well. Thunks are a way to manage side effects when working with Redux. For instance, when we want to fetch some data from a server we need to perform an HTTP request. That request is a side effect because it interacts with the “outer world”. Redux itself doesn't know anything about side effects in an app. All the work is done in the redux-thunk middleware. It extends the store's abilities and lets you write async logic that interacts with the store.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial How to Use Thunks with Redux Toolkit and TypeScript

How to Use Redux Toolkit with TypeScript

The Redux Toolkit package is intended to be the standard way to write Redux logic. It simplifies the store creation and decreases the amount of boilerplate code. Let's rewrite the application we wrote in one of the earlier posts from scratch to see what will change. First of all, we need to create a new app. We can use Create React App with TypeScript template and then add Redux Toolkit or we can use a template that already includes everything we need.

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How to Use Redux with TypeScript

TypeScript can provide type-safety for reducers in your application, improves the documentation of your code, and overall improves long-term maintainability. Also, Redux officially recommends using static typing in their docs. Let's re-implement a todolist app. It is a basic example that many are familiar with, so it will be easier to focus on TypeScript part of a deal. Create a new React app using Create React App with the TypeScript template: