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Tutorials on Unit Test

Learn about Unit Test from fellow newline community members!

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Testing a Go and chi RESTful API - Route Handlers and Middleware (Part 2)

Disclaimer - If you are unfamiliar with writing a simple unit test for a route handler of a Go and chi RESTful API, then please read this blog post before proceeding on. Go's testing library package provides many utilities for automating the testing of Go code. To write robust tests for Go code, you must already understand how to write a basic Go test suite that contains several TestXxx functions. Writing tests for code, especially within the context of test-driven development (TDD), prioritizes the code's correctness over the code's flexibility to adapt to new/updated requirements. The guarantee of less unexpected regressions offsets the upfront cost of spending more time to write tests alongside application code. In a fast-paced, high-pressure environment, it can be difficult to convince other team members and stakeholders of the value in testing code when time is an extremely limited resource. Another factor that must be considered is the amount of code covered by the tests. If the tests cover only a small percentage of the application code (or a small subset of use cases), then the benefits of having these tests probably won't outweigh the benefits of adding new features or improving existing features. Plus, anytime you decide to refactor the application code, you will also have to update the corresponding tests to reflect these changes. When time is so valuable, the time spent on writing tests could have been spent elsewhere. Therefore, to fully benefit from tests, you must write enough tests such that they cover a large percentage of the application code.

Testing a Go and chi RESTful API - Route Handlers (Part 1)

Testing plays a fundamental role in the development of quality software. Shipping and deploying software with undetected bugs and regressions opens up a can of terrible consequences such as losing the trust of end users or costing the business time and resources. In a large collaborative setting, having developers manually test each and every feature and user flow for bugs and regressions wastes valuable time that can be put towards improving other aspects of the software. As the codebase and team grows, this approach will not scale. By writing unit/integration/end-to-end tests, identifying and catching bugs and regressions throughout an entire codebase becomes a painless, automatable task that can easily be integrated into any continuous integration pipeline. Unlike most other languages, the Go programming language provides a built-in, standard library package for testing: testing . The testing package offers many utilities for automating the testing of Go source files. To write a test in Go, define a function with a name prefixed with Test (followed by a capitalized segment of text) and accepts an argument of struct type T , which contains methods for failing and skipping tests, running multiple tests in parallel, formatting test logs, etc. Example :
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Testing a Go and chi RESTful API - Route Handlers (Part 1)

I got a job offer, thanks in a big part to your teaching. They sent a test as part of the interview process, and this was a huge help to implement my own Node server.

This has been a really good investment!

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