Tutorials on Usecontext Hook

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useContext Hook - A Primer

Managing state in large React applications is difficult. Determining what state belongs locally to a component, what data a component receives from props, how much logic needs to be decoupled from a component, etc. directly affects an application's maintainability. One issue most developers face when developing a React application is prop drilling . Sending data down an entire component tree just to reach a single component is unnecessary, especially if none of the intermediate components need this data. With context , we can share global data (e.g., theme, time zone, i18n locale and user authentication status) with any component within the component tree without repeatedly passing data down as props. To understand why context is important, we must first understand the kinds of problems brought about by prop drilling. Consider the following barebones React application that comes with i18n support and allows users to select a preferred language. For instance, within the footer, switching the language from "English" to "Español" translates the application's text from English to Spanish.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial useContext Hook - A Primer

Simplify Passing State In React With The useContext Hook - React Hooks 101 Part 5 of 6

We've now arrived at Day 5 of our special 6-part YouTube tutorial series on React Hooks . Hooks are so important for all React developers to understand because, conceptually, React components have always been closer to functions and the library supports a functional way of thinking. Hooks add powerful capabilities to functional components. Now in Tutorial 5, Paige covers a powerful Hook - the useContext Hook: The use of component hierarchies solved problems in React around composing UI out of smaller individual parts, but created a range of new problems:
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial  Simplify Passing State In React With The useContext Hook - React Hooks 101 Part 5 of 6

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