Tutorials on Spotify Api

Learn about Spotify Api from fellow newline community members!

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Writing a Custom React Hook for Spotify's Web API (Implicit Grant Flow)

As one of the most popular music streaming services, Spotify encourages developers to craft new and engaging experiences for music lovers around the world. With over seventy endpoints, Spotify's Web API allows external applications to access Spotify's vast catalog of albums, artists, playlists, tracks and podcasts and detailed profile information about the current authorized user. All of this data opens the door to building applications that explore and analyze the data, generate new insights from the data or present the data in exciting new ways. Want to discover new artists based on the artists of the tracks in your playlists? Use the GET https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/{artist_id}/related-artists endpoint to fetch artists related to an artist based on the analysis of other users' listening histories. Want to re-imagine the user interface for searching and displaying tracks that match a query? Use the GET https://api.spotify.com/v1/search endpoint to query and retrieve results from Spotify's tracks catalog. If you decide to create a Spotify-connected application with React , then centralizing all Spotify-related logic inside of a single, reusable custom hook, named useSpotify , eases the integration of Spotify into the application. This organizes everything Spotify-related in one place. For a component to communicate with Spotify's Web API, just import the useSpotify hook and call the hook within the component. Whenever Spotify updates its API with new endpoints or modified response objects, you edit one single file in the codebase: useSpotify.js . The hook enables all components to get the authorization status of the user and interact with Spotify's Web API.

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Writing a Custom React Hook for Spotify's Web API (Implicit Grant Flow)

Breaking Down OAuth with Spotify

Learn the basics of OAuth and how it works in the context of Spotify’s OAuth flow.

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Breaking Down OAuth with Spotify

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5 Minute Intro to REST APIs

Learn the basics of APIs and what makes an API "RESTful"

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial 5 Minute Intro to REST APIs