API for adding comments

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  • [00:00 - 00:21] API for adding comments. First, let's create a new endpoint on the server. That will allow us to post new comments. Define a new post endpoint app. Post, post, id, that's a named segment, comments. Define a callback, request response. Here we first need to get the post id as a number.

    [00:22 - 02:13] Const, post, id, equals a number from request, params, id. Then we add a new comment to the comments array. Comments, push, new object with id that we get using the comments length plus one. It's an even simple way to get automatically incremented field. Then we get the author from request body name. We get the content from request body comment post is the post id and time is less than a minute ago. Now return response send status to one. All right, now we have an endpoint that processes the post requests gets the post id from the URL segment and then creates a new comment and pushes it to the comments array. Let's define an API client function. Inside of the comments folder, create a new file, submit, TS. Here define a new function and export it. The function should be called submit comment. Expert async function, submit comment. It's gonna receive post id, of type entity id name, of type person and comment, of type string. It should return a promise with response return await fetch config base URL slash posts post id comments. We'll need to make this request post method post. We send it the headers content type application JSON char set UTF-8 and attach the body JSON stringify an object with fields name and comment.