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  • [00:00 - 00:07] What we are going to build. In this part of the course, we will build a virtual piano keyboard. With a list of instruments you can use to play. We have a whole bunch of them here.

    [00:08 - 00:52] You should be able to play the note using both keyboard and mouse. The complete example is located in code 03 React Piano completed. And zip the archive provided with this course, go to this folder and when you are there install the dependencies and launch the app. Yarn and yarn start. It should open the app in the browser. If it doesn't navigate to http, localhost 3000 and open it manually. In the browser at the center of the screen , you will see a keyboard with letter labels on each key and a select element below the keyboard with acoustic grand piano set as default instrument and a set of instruments to choose from. Go ahead and try it out. You will hear them musical notes played on the acoustic grand piano.