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Frontend API client

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:17] Frontend API client. Now that we've created a server API, we can create a front end API client for that API. Create a new directory, API, and inside of it, create two files. Config is where we export const config.

  • [00:18 - 00:30] For now, it will only contain the base URL. Base URL equals HTTP, localhost, 4000. This is the base URL of our server. And the second one, summary. T.S.

  • [00:31 - 00:43] Here we'll fetch the posts and categories. Define and export the fetchPost function. Export async function fetch posts. It's a function returning a promise, containing an array of posts.

  • [00:44 - 01:00] We fetch them from the config base URL plus posts. Don't forget to import fetch from node fetch package. And after we have the response, we return the JSON that we cast to an array of posts wrapped into a promise.

  • [01:01 - 01:21] Define another function fetch categories. It's going to be quite similar to fetch posts, but going to fetch categories and return an array of categories. Cast the JSON to a proper type as well. It is important that you import the fetch because when next builds a project, it runs outside of the browser environment.

  • [01:22 - 01:36] So it won't have to the browser fetch function. Node fetch package provides the fetch function in the node environment. Now we have two functions, fetchPost and fetch categories. And we'll use those functions to fetch and prefetch data for the main page.

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