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How to Create a Card in React With Styled Components

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Previous LessonHow to Create a React Column Component LayoutNext LessonBuild a Button That Turns Into a Text Field to Add New Items

Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:17] Create the card components. Create a new file, SRC, Card, TSX. Here we define the props for this component. Type Card Props. It will have text of type string. And then we define and export the card component itself. Expert const, card.

  • [00:18 - 00:38] Here we get the text from the props. Set the prop types, card props, and return card container that we import from the styles that renders the text. Now let's render the card inside of the column component. Instead of the card container, we can now render card and set the text prop.

  • [00:39 - 00:51] Text equals generate app scaffold, repeat it for other cards. Card learn Type Script and the last one begin to use static typing. We can remove the card container import and now we have the card component.

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