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How to Update State in a React Reducer to Store Moved Items

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Previous LessonHow to Build a Drag-and-Drop Card Interface in ReactNext LessonHow to Move Drag-and-Drop Cards Into Empty Columns

Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:10] update the reducer, open the upstate reducer and add the move task case to the reducer. Inside of it, we'll want to destructure the action payload like this.

  • [00:11 - 00:38] const, dragged, item ID, hovered, item ID, source, column ID, and target, column ID, with the structure from action payload. Then we get the source and target list indices, const source list index equals find item index by ID, we pass in draft lists and source column ID.

  • [00:39 - 00:47] In the similar manner, find the target list index. Instead of source column ID, just pass target column ID.

  • [00:48 - 01:07] After we have the source and target indices, we can find the indices for the dragged and hovered items, const drag index equals find item index by ID. And now we pass the source list, draft lists, source list index.

  • [01:08 - 01:16] And we want to find the dragged item ID. Similar to how we find the drag item index, find the hover index.

  • [01:17 - 01:29] Here we'll need to also check if there is hover item ID. And we try to find it in the target list index, hover item ID.

  • [01:30 - 01:38] If it doesn't exist, then we return zero without doing anything. Now we have dragged item index and hover item index.

  • [01:39 - 01:52] Now it's time to get the item that we're dragging and store it in the item constant. List item equals draft lists source list index tasks drag index.

  • [01:53 - 02:06] That's the item we're dragging. Now we remove it from the source list, draft lists source list index tasks spl ice drug index and we splice one element.

  • [02:07 - 02:27] And then we add this item to the target list, draft lists target list index tasks splice hover index zero item. After we moved our item, call break and launch the app yarn start.

  • [02:28 - 02:30] Now we should be able to drag the columns and the cards.

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