Exploring Postman

In this lesson, we'll explore Postman tool and make a HTTP request

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  • [00:00 - 00:05] In the last lesson, we saw our only weather forecast controller. We tested our endpoint using Swagger.

    [00:06 - 00:11] All those swagger works fine, but we will be using Postman in our project. Let's see how it works on Postman.

    [00:12 - 00:20] First of all, download the Postman collection file from the code below. Open the Postman tool and click on Import.

    [00:21 - 00:29] Now you can drag the downloaded file here or click on Upload Files. Now you can click on Import.

    [00:30 - 00:43] If you are not able to download the file from the code below, inside the course assets, you will find a file called learnify.postman.json. Download the file and do the same thing.

    [00:44 - 00:53] Click on Import and import the file here. Now open our project, click on Module 1 and open the get weather forecast request.

    [00:54 - 01:04] Now we can click on Send. It has everything loaded up. We see the exact same data we saw inside our browser.

    [01:05 - 01:08] Now this was it about the lesson and now I will see you in the next one.